Recently, memories of the movie, The Big Blue, resurfaced. I do not remember every detail of the storyline, but I do remember, more importantly, the way the movie made me feel: at peace. I don't think another movie has ever translated the ocean so well. When I was land locked, I watched it religiously. It wasn't a success in the U.S (go figure) but hugely popular in France. This gets me to thinking, why was I born here? I am usually more aligned in my thought process with other nations. I wonder if France would take me in or Spain since I would fare better with the language there. I have been searching for a sign on whether I should tackle a jaunt to France in the coming months with my family. Once I read the reviews on one of my all time favorite movies, I chuckled out loud, the answer was clear: "go, go go". Thanks universe for spelling it out for me. It may sound crazy to love a nation because they embraced one of your favorite films, but if this movie changed your life like it did mine, you understand. Have a great weekend all, hope your answers come to you too.